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our main gallery exhibit

Cumberland Co Schools High School Juried Art Show


March 7 - 30th

Curated by:

Cumberland County Schools

Gallery Hours

Mon - Thurs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Sunday 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

our Upcoming exhibit:

In a continued partnership with Cumberland County Schools, the Arts Council presents the Cumberland County High School Juried Art Show. The exhibit runs from March 7–30 at The Arts Center, located at 301 Hay Street in Downtown Fayetteville. Admission is free and open to the public.


Visual Arts teachers from each Cumberland County high school have submitted artwork created by 9th to 12th grade students, showcasing a variety of mediums including drawings, paintings, sculptures, multimedia, and digital art/photography. As a juried show, each piece will also be evaluated by a panel of respected judges, considering factors such as creativity, technique, and artistic merit. [Read More]

Upcoming main gallery exhibits:

April 6 - May 25

The Fourth Grade Project

June 6 - July 19

Public Works

August 1 -22

SEAR Showcase

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local artist spotlight gallery exhibit

Embodied : A Solo Exhibit by Bobbe Garcia


March 7 - 28th

Featured Artist:

Bobbe Garcia

Gallery Hours

Mon - Thurs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Sunday 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

our local artist spotlight gallery exhibit:

My work embodies a transformation between an old self and a new self. Transformation
and growth are typical of the human experience, my early years were anything but typical. My
growth was stifled by harsh and oppressive abuse, and my transformation has been a violent
break. Using femininity as the foundation that I build my work upon. I seek answers and
validation for my intuition and emotions for those experiences. I fight against what I was
conditioned to feel, which was to hate and distrust myself. I find inspiration in nature,
recognizing how it grounds me and how the shapes and foliage speak to me in shapes and
colors. Using that experience as self-reflection, I dig beneath layers of self-doubt, trauma, and
calcified feelings. This translates to the creation of layers within my work, as I deconstruct my
past, flourish into my true self, and root myself into more stable ground.

I use limited color palettes, layers, and organic shapes from foliage and flowers with the
process of gelli printing. Each color I choose and mix is representative, and the organic shapes
portray the physical, feminine and spiritual characteristics. I enjoy the hidden details that are
sometimes not visible on the leaves but show up when printed. As I have continued to explore
the process of gelli printing with foliage, I have found a connection in creating additional layers
beyond the gelli plate. This includes collaging, sewing, and drawing, as well as printing on
canvas and materials that are textile. All of which has resurfaced old memories, feelings, and
passions that I had long forgotten about. Like my grandmother teaching me how to sew bean
bags as a child. This process has been healing, and my goal is to create work that reaches into
those moments of time.

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annual public art exhibit:

Artscape 8


Now - Summer 2025

Featured Artists:

Matt Amante

Jonathan Bowling

Abigail Cochran

Hanna Jubran

Beau Lyday

Kevin Lyles

Chris Plaisted

Paul Saviskas

Vanek Vanek

Bilhenry Walker

Joni Younkins-Herzog

Artscape 8: our annual public art exhibit

The Arts Council of Fayetteville | Cumberland County is excited to present it's annual public art series Artscape 8. Visitors can view art all over the city of Fayetteville. Take the time to read, engage, and explore the pieces each with their own stories to tell.  Read More>>


Melanie Scrudder photographed by Arts Council Staff

are you interested in showing your work in our local artist spotlight gallery?

The Arts Council of Fayetteville is excited to offer space for both established and emerging artists with a significant body of work ready to be displayed to the public. Our Local Spotlight Gallery provides artists with the opportunity for their own solo exhibition. If accepted, you will receive an interview as part of Gallery Talks, marketing design assistance, hands-on support through our Operations department, and the option to have your own artist reception night. To apply, please use the following link: [Local Spotlight Gallery Application]

Past exhibits (24-25 Season)

January  24 - Feburary 28, 2025

November 1 - 29, 2024

Redefining Indigenous

August 2 -31, 2024

Face to Fayetteville

December 6 - January 10, 2025

The Whimsical Naturalist

September 16- October 14, 2024

Obras de la Vida


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